CEO Niels Frederiksen envisions a future where passion and market leadership are paramount in building our Group brands and providing continued smoking enjoyment to our devoted consumers.
Annually, more than 50 senior executives meet to review the strategy and priorities of Scandinavian Tobacco Group. During the latest event held in Copenhagen in June, CEO Niels Frederiksen gathered the top 50 managers from four continents to address the vision and plans to attain true market leadership.
Passion is the name of the game
Niels Fredriksen remarked how the essence of Scandinavian Tobacco Group relies heavily on our passion in providing products that create special moments our customers can cherish. And it is the passion of those many gifted people around our Group that contributes to the development of our cigars and pipe tobacco markets.
“I think that the combination of passion and smoking enjoyment is what will make our special tobacco categories sustainable over time.”
A true market leader
As the world’s largest cigar and pipe tobacco manufacturer, Scandinavian Tobacco Group is recognised for being a strong, reliable and stable company. Building on these strengths, the goal is to continue developing our business, create new products, outperform in our core markets, enter new markets and attract talent that can help expand our market leader position.
Howeverbeing a market leader and acting like a market leader requires a shift in perception. Niels Frederiksen addressed this challenge by stressing the need for change in both organisational mindset and structure to ensure that the industry recognises our Group as the true market leader it is.
“I want us to be seen as being fast, agile, innovative – that I think will make a big difference for us.”
A winning combination
Passion and market leadership are critical in realising the long-term strategy Niels Frederiksen outlined during the 2015 Senior Executive Meeting.
“Let’s challenge ourselves; let’s truly act as market leaders.”
Become a world leader in smoking enjoyment? Challenge accepted!