Scandinavian Tobacco Group is introducing a new HR platform, PeopleHub, which will bring all data together and make it completely transparent. It is an easy and essential tool for current employees and integrating acquisitions.
Everyone is used to using social media, email and banking on their phones. So why should workplace systems still be based on paper or Excel and Word files?
The answer is PeopleHub, Scandinavian Tobacco Group’s new global platform from SAP SuccessFactors which brings all HR processes together in one place: employee data, performance management, compensation, succession planning, learning and analytics.
“We had very decentralised processes, and we’re bringing them together in a single technology platform,” says Hanne Berg, SVP and Chief Human Resources Officer. “We have a master plan with a growth agenda, so we have to prepare for future M&A. And to be the best integrator in the industry, we have to ensure we have the right platform in PeopleHub.”
Until now, human resources data was a mishmash depending on which country or department you were in. Different filing systems made it difficult to access data – particularly when out of the office – and to standardise performance and salary reviews.
PeopleHub establishes standardised and global processes in a cloud-based system to support management and development of people across the Group: all employee data will be accessible from one place, including from your phone in an app, making it completely transparent and more convenient for both managers and their reports.
Where we are and what we do
The project has been developed and implemented with the right quality, before time and on budget. PeopeHub is global, scalable and almost fully rolled out, with 80% of office-based employees now on the system.
There are a number of reasons why Scandinavian Tobacco Group needs PeopleHub, explains Anne-Marie Tørnes-Hansen, Director HR Technology, Processes and Insights.
Growth and synergies are closely related to how Scandinavian Tobacco Group is making a success of new acquisitions, new ways of working help to improve efficiency, and improving the employee experience to make it a more attractive place to work.
With all master data in the system, a full overview of all employee data is available with just two clicks. It makes it simple for each employee to update their profile to ensure data is up to date and have a greater role in setting objectives, with all the information from previous years easily available.
“The job of HR is changing. It used to be a lot of transactional work, and now it’s rather to ensure that we have high enough data quality,” says Tørnes-Hansen. “We can now give a snapshot of the organisation at any moment – live headcount, where they are, and what they do.”
“We can now give a snapshot of the organisation at any moment – live headcount, where they are, and what they do.”
Old way, no way
The acquisition of Royal Agio Cigars, completed in January, will be the first test of how easily PeopleHub can map over data of new employees to provide an overview of the complete organisation with consistent data. Previously, such a process would have been conducted using multiple Excel files, with less structure and considerable complications that would take up a considerable amount of time.
“It will be a litmus test of the system,” Berg says.
The first point of contact for many employees will be PeopleHub’s online learning platform, STG Academy, which will be another advantage by centralising most learning activities in a single place –making it easy to take courses, and simple to see which training employees have taken.
“Overall, feedback has been very positive. People like the processes and transparency and are amazed by the ease of getting data – and no one has said, ‘I like the old way of doing it,’” Tørnes-Hansen says. “Now, rather than discuss the quality of the data or the system that particular country uses, we can focus on what the manager should do to manage performance and develop their team.”